Meme-6 things about moi and Awards
I've been very remiss because I have been really slow in responding to being tagged back at the end of September (hides head in shame and I know you hate tardiness) over at Wakeupandsmellthecoffee. Now one of the reasons I've been a bit on the slow side is because I'm supposed to write six random things about myself and then tag six people. The problem is it's difficult to think of things I haven't told you before as you can see from the links below.
1 I am a frustrated photographer and I love looking at all the photos everyone publishes, in the hope I will pick up a few tips. I was given my first box brownie camera by an aunt back in the 1950's. It was a treasured possession and I still have the photos I took using it. I have only ever owned point and shoot cameras and I'm now on my second digital camera which does have quite a few settings that I haven't quite mastered yet! (I think I may even have mentioned this before)
2 This is really by way of a confession...when I retired I intended to try my hand at painting and my work colleagues bought me art material that I haven't even attempted to use yet. How long have I been retired I hear you ask...just over 2 years!
3 I have a travel bucket list and one of the places I have always wanted to visit is China and wait for it.......I am booked to go there on a trip next April!!
4 Retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be (did I just say that because when I was working I longed for more time to stop and smell the flowers). The first few weeks were wonderful I still got up early I spring cleaned the house and did lots of things which I never had time to do, like enjoy my coffee break and actually read the morning paper, going shopping when it was quiet instead of rushing round the supermarket either at the end of a busy day or on a Saturday and going swimming.
After a while the novelty wore off and I realised that people view you very differently once you have lost your professional status. It's very difficult to arrange times to meet up with colleagues, who were also friends, as they are still on the treadmill. It happens occasionally and when it does it's great catching up.
Now two years on I feel my life has no direction and everyday is the same. I know I'm pathetic and I could get involved in some charity work, and now my mother is a lot more frail I am available to care for her so that is a plus. Of course I have plenty of time to blog and plurk so maybe things aren't too bad after all! All this comes from someone who only ever wanted to be a homemaker and stay at home with her children.
5 So why did I venture back into the work place-it's simple really I got well and truly dumped by my first husband back in 1973 when my girls were very young, so I had no choice because we were left without any funds when he cleared the bank account. We managed and my girls were brilliant, they helped out, developing independence from an early age and I'm very proud of them. If I had my time over I might do a few things differently because I made mistakes but we have a very close relationship and I'm only sorry I don't get to see more of them.
6 The final random thing about me is that I hate smoking (my ex was a smoker and so was my father- my father died at 50 heart attack and my ex has been treated for bowel cancer) need I say more! When I met Embee he was also a smoker but he gave up pretty quickly!
I'm breaking the rules by not specifically tagging anyone, but if you fancy telling us more about yourself then you are tagged!
June 08
Jan 08
June 07
Jan. 07

This award depicts such a lovely sentiment and I have been given it by two of my blogging buddies Karisma and Alison. Thank you both so much I will be adding it to my gallery.
The rules are that I pass it on the 8 people and I know many of my friends have already been chosen to receive this award.
The first person I'm giving this to is a very special person who is constantly in my thoughts as she is having a very tough time at the moment. So this is for you Barbara with love.
Julie who is is currently organising a massive Christmas Ornament swap. Over 60 bloggers are taking part.
Elena Jane
2007: Fungi Forage
2006: Echo Lake
THANK YOU!!!! I still get all goose pimply when I receive awards. I feel loved.
And since I am participating in Nablopomo I will actually do the Meme (next week, for sure!)
Thanks Chris. I am excited for your trip to China. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear your adventures from there!!!!
That was a great list, Chris. I always enjoy reading these things.
Funny you should mention painting. I guy that I know just called this morning with the phone number of an art teacher for me.
I'm still young in terms of retirement age, but I love it. In fact this babysitting gig makes it hard to get around to all of the things that I really want to do.
Thank you Chris!
I loved your random things...... you have an amazing story to tell there about your life 35 years ago. You ought to write mroe about it.....
That's a great list, ma'am :)
I love photography and painting (sketching) as well - but I'm not that good at them! But I enjoy them, so that's the main thing.
Thanks for your blog.
Mal :)
Thank you! I needed something to warm me this even. (as I drove home I saw the snow creeping down the mountains).
ps. I have a difficult time finding space for my watercolor.
I look forward to retiring and just painting for days and days and days. (:
China, wow, can't wait to hear about that!
As for #4, same thing happens when a woman is a stay-at-home mom. Those were hard years for me, wonderful though it was to be there for the kids.
Good post :)
You are so kind Chris. Thank you.
China - WOW.
Congrats! Great to learn a little more about you. You are going to China? How great!!!
love your random things!! :)
and thank you :)
Thank you!!! : )
Also, just checking to make sure you receive an email from me with your ornament swap partner's info. If you received it no need to reply - just let me know if you didn't. Check your spam filter too! : )
Julie from
Congrats! And you listed a few things I did not yet know about you. :)
lisa the trouble is I will soon have revealed all!
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