Monday, November 03, 2008

Fun Monday #89.... Remind me why I blog!!

I have been away and missed the last few FM's, so I'm pleased to be joining in this week. Bee Dancer is our hostess and she has set us this assignment. Here is what she says:

I'd really like to know WHY you blog. Tell me how you got started or why you got started and why you keep it up. Plus there's a photo requirement: Post a picture of the one person/place/thing that most symbolizes the town or area where you live.

Many of you will have read in previous posts why I started blogging so I shan't mind if you pass on by!

Way back in September 2006 in my very first blog post I explained why I was blogging. Back then, encouraged by my daughter Sam (living in San Francisco), it was to be a new hobby after I retired. My other daughter, Beccy (in Dublin), also started blogging at the same time, as did my grandchildren. So it was the ideal way of keeping in touch with them most days.

Since then things have changed: I'm sad to say my daughters spend less of their time blogging as they lead very busy lives. I on the other hand have found a lot of virtual friends and feel that I am privileged to share a little part of their lives. I enjoy sharing the highs, and feel the sorrow of the lows that we all experience in our lives. I also love seeing everyone's photos, and I'm sure you will agree, so many bloggers take brilliant photos. I also have a photo blog just the share everyday pictures that take my fancy and ones where I try and improve my photos through photoshop elements (not always successfully, as I'm still learning!).
The difficulty that I have with blogging is that it sometimes becomes impossible to comment on every blog that I read. I used to feel guilty but that is no longer the case, because I don't comment it doesn't mean that I no longer enjoy catching up on your news.

Now to the second part of the assignment:
I live in Bristol in the UK, (well on the outskirts actually), and this west country city has a lot of famous landmarks so if anyone is interested here is a link to several pages of lovely photos. I have used this for a past Fun Monday when in week 4 the topic was *Why I love where I live* so some of you may have already seen these pictures.
One famous land mark is the Clifton Suspension Bridge which spans the Avon Gorge and was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel who started to build it in 1831 it finally got completed in 1864 after his death. You will see better photos via the links but here are a couple of mine, which don't actually show the whole bridge because they were taken from quite a distance.

I'll be visiting everyone over the next couple of days so see you soon.

2007: Krenewek Teapot
2006: Frosty Friday

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At 3/11/08 14:48, Blogger Jan said...

Hi ChrisB. My reasons for blogging are much like yours. I love the bridge photos you included, they make the bride appear mysterious.

At 3/11/08 15:46, Blogger Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I love that bridge, it is awe-inspiring.

At 3/11/08 16:32, Blogger Beccy said...

I love the bridge at night when all the lights are lit.

At 3/11/08 16:40, Blogger Jan n Jer said...

I think alot of people are blogging for the same reasons. The photos of the bridge is breathtaking, what a beautiful place to live.

At 3/11/08 17:20, Blogger sallywrites said...

I started blogging just to ahve a writing platform.... and also because I wanted to remember things in years to come...Things i might otherwise forget about the family...

At 3/11/08 17:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Chris, and thanks for visiting me! I enjoyed reading your post. Wow, you have a daughter in Dublin? I lived in Dublin as a youngster (Swords, just north of the city, near the airport). I am sorry to say that I didn't get to visit the UK as much as I would've liked; we never see the sights that are closest to home, I guess. We did visit London a few times, which was very cool. I definitely need to go back and see the Eye!!

At 3/11/08 17:54, Blogger Sayre said...

Lovely bridge... rather unique looking. I love England - it's so beautiful!

At 3/11/08 18:47, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

It really is hard to do justice to all bloggers, isn't it?

At 3/11/08 19:44, Blogger Unknown said...

The photos are new to me and they're different than views around here...

At 3/11/08 20:02, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your pictures! I've never been to Bristol... my brother was working there a few weeks ago and he was saying how great it was!
Don't ever worry about commenting, people will understand as I think many people have found them selves in the same boat at some time.
(I'm in your boat right now! *waves*)
I've another book winging it's way to you very soon. Just shout "Enough" when you can't cope with any more...
Blogging allowed me to 'meet' you... and for that I am eternally grateful!

At 3/11/08 20:44, Blogger storyteller said...

Learning how folks got started blogging has been interesting this morning. It seems like keeping up with blog visiting is an on-going challenge for many, but methinks it’s important to maintain a balance between the real and virtual worlds. I didn’t know you had a photo blog and don’t know when I might find time to check it out … but I enjoyed the photos you’ve shared here and I’ll keep it in mind.
Hugs and blessings,

At 3/11/08 21:38, Blogger karisma said...

Beautiful, look at all that green!

At 3/11/08 21:45, Blogger Faye said...

I let out an involuntary "Ah!" when I clicked on the bridge photo, Chris. That's the magic that well chosen photos can add to a blog. Especially ture if you tend to be a bit wordy--which I am. The photos just help us know who we're chatting with.

At 3/11/08 23:09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clifton is one of my favourite UK landmarks. Would love to live near it.

At 4/11/08 01:00, Blogger Mal Kiely [Lancelots Pram] said...

Wow... what I luv about Blogging is that everyone has a different reason and agenda for blogging. i think it's kinda representative of real life in an online way... everyone has their own unique individual take on how and why.

Niiiice bridge pics! Thanks. Everything looks so lush and green.

Mal :)

At 4/11/08 02:37, Blogger kitten said...

That's such sweet reasons to start.
Yall have such a beautiful view! Just beautiful!

At 4/11/08 03:07, Blogger Unknown said...

I love the fact that I can get to know people who live in a completely different country just as easily as those from a different city. Thats one of the reasons I love blogging! My son was in Edinburgh this summer performing at the Fringe Festival - he's the first one of our family to go to Europe - and he's the youngest!

At 4/11/08 03:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your photos.

Meeting you was one of the nice perks of blogging!

At 4/11/08 04:19, Blogger Alison said...

beautiful pictures...I love visiting your blog, and I love getting your comments. You have been one of my constant commentors from the beginning...I don't think I have ever thanked you for that..Thank You!!

At 4/11/08 05:27, Blogger Ingrid said...

At least your daughters knew what a blog is, lol ! My son (35) had to learn it too. Now when he says "My mother has 3 blogs" he get's the answer "She has WHAT ????" except from his English and American colleages.

At 4/11/08 22:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DId you say you live in Bristol? I have a Kenyan friend who lives in Bristol. She moved there about 3 years ago and she loves it. Wow!! The photos are beautiful

At 5/11/08 00:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first started blogging I tried to leave a lot of comments too. Now I still read a lot, I just don't comment as much as I used to.

Love the bridge picture!

At 5/11/08 12:49, Blogger Steffi said...

I love the pictures with the bridge!Very nice!


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