Monday, April 28, 2014

Fun Monday = Selfie

This week we are saying a little about ourselves but I feel less comfortable doing this as we seem to have less control over the things we post. It wasn't something I gave much thought to back in 2006 when I first started my blog. One did not have to endure all the endless advertising back then; however I wasn't intending to turn this into a to continue with the task in hand.....

Some of you may remember I started my blog as a diary when I retired back around the beginning of Oct 2006 is it really over 7 years ago, my how time flies!!
So as a recap I'm still married to Embee, I lost my mum who lived with us just over 2yrs ago and I still have my 3 tortoises. My daughters, continue to live in Ireland and the US. My grandchildren are growing up, eldest turned 21 couple of months back and my grandaughter will be 18 in a couple of weeks. Youngest grandson is now a teenager and is taller than me, well that's because I've shrunk a lot in past couple of years!!!! I haven't been able to do much travelling recently as house needed a lot of work and we're slowly clearing out all the rubbish that has accumulated over the 28yrs we have lived here. Needs must that we downsize while we are still able!

I'm less keen to post a selfie pic as I cannot believe how saggy and wrinkly I have become; I look in the mirror and wonder who the old lady is (just like the poem)!!!!! However I suppose I must follow the rules.........

I realise I'm very late getting this posted, but my daughter was staying and although I started the post in time it never got finished!

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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

A lick of paint works wonders!!

After more than 2 years I have finally got around to decorating what used to be my mother's bedroom. Nothing major just freshened up all the paint work and had a new carpet. I would have liked new curtains but funds didn't stretch that far. Considering I brought these curtain with us from our previous house some 28years ago they are still in pretty good condition, albeit that floral designs are rather old fashioned these days!!

I now have a room ready for when my daughter, Sam, pays me a visit in May!

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Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Remember these!!!!

My tortoises have been out of hibernation for a couple of weeks but it's not been warm enough to put them outside yet. I'm trying to get them to eat but we still have a problem with one of them who always suffers from mouth infection. So tomorrow she is going to the vet; will probably have vitamin injection and antibiotics. I expect they will keep her a few days and it will be another huge vet bill.... the down side of caring for elderly pets!

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