Hunt the Book
Many of you will know that, my eldest daughter, Sam has been in San Francisco for the past seven years. I think it is safe to say that she is very happy living there and hopes to remain there permanently. I've shipped a lot of her belongings over and some things have gone over in a suitcases as we have travelled to and fro. Despite this there are still a lot of things that has been left in storage with me. I have got one small room that is stacked practically from floor to ceiling. A few boxes of teapots belong to Beccy but the vast majority belong to Sam. Now she is very keen to have one particular cookery book that is in one of the many boxes. In hindsight I don't know why I didn't take it to Portugal when we met up there back in June!
Anyway yesterday I decided to go and look through the boxes and try to find the book. At the time I also thought I would record the search. I think this was a mistake, because it's turned out to be a fairly boring video so I'm not really expecting you to watch it.
So if you didn't watch the video~this is a photo of the storage room and the book I found

I have an earlier version of this same cookery book that is so old and battered because it has been so well used over the years. It has been stuck with cellotape and is covered with food marks but I wouldn't ever part with it and I still use it more than all my other cookery books. I wonder if you have a favourite cook book!
2007: Witty Wednesday #17
I think it was cool to hear your voice and I saw some really cool and funny books!
Did I see a sink in that room?
Yes, I agree it was great to hear your voice on the video.Nice books with a lot of memories.I have a lot of cooking books too but I havn´t used it .
Kaytabug you did indeed see a hand basin, it's really a small bedroom.
steffi those are only few of Sam's books.
I still remember my mom's cook book, I can't remember the name of it, but I can picture it in my head....she still uses it!!
that is just too adorable by far.
I love you mum!
I can't believe I wrote an inscription in the book because it was from "Father Christmas"
Let’s hear it for memories like this! I’ve got my mom’s cookbook … but I don’t use it (or my long-time favorite) much anymore … just because.
Hugs and blessings,
alison I think many people rely on one
sam this book is in such good condition I'm not sure you ever used it that much.
storyteller I have some of my grandmother's cookery books and I actually look through them sometimes and find the old recipes fascinating especially when rationing was on during the war!
I've always envied people who can store their belongings with parents. And no storage lcoker fees! I left home permanently when I left for university at age 17 and never went back. I had to take everything with me. It was a bore, but it's how it was.
I'm glad you were able to find the book. I just sold my collection of cookbooks on craigslist and recycled my collection of torn-out and photocopied recipes. I only kept a few favorite recipes, the gluten-free cookbooks, and one cookbook of about a million different chili recipes.
Hi Chris,
You sure had a lot of boxes to go through to find that particular cookbook. For your sake, I hope it was in the first box you looked in, lol.
Have a wonderful weekend.
What a hilarious collection of books. I actually had a weird sensory thing happen while watching the video. I could smell those books....older books that have been stored have a certain smell to them.
of course i used it - but I used yours more (just to keep mine pristine ;)
PS I have offered to put stuff in storage or indeed told her to give stuff to charity but she won't ;)
actually there are some good books in there.
I only moved these things back to mum when I moved to the US.
You have a pretty voice Chris. I'd love to go through those boxes.
Lucky Sam I am so jealous she gets to live in SF it is so lovely here!
I love the inscription in the book. I have my Dad's Delia Smith complete cookery with all his scribbles in. I love it, it tells you everything you need to know when you are as rubbish at cooking as me!
ari- I left home at 18 and was in much the same position as you. I was so upset when My mother got rid of all my things, which is why I think I can't bear to do that to my children!
betty I had a pretty good idea where to find it ~ thank goodness
karmyn I know what you mean it's a very distinctive odour
sam some of your books are far too good for charity you need to go through them next time you visit
barbara it would be fun to do it together!
Alix I saw that you had been meeting up with Alison.
I wanted that book too, only Father Christmas gave me some cooking encyclopedia because he obviously thought I wasn't a good enough cook to have a proper cookbook!
I have a fav cookbook, I think. Actually, I can't remember the name of it. Plus it's packed away in the barn (still...sigh).
My new fav cookbook is one I got at a village sale. I paid 20p for it. It's an old farmhouse cookbook. With lots of great, old-fashioned, tried and true recipes.
"Radiation Recipe Book"??? Is that a cookbook for using a microwave...or something worse?
Makes it more fun to imagine how you would be telling the stories in your posts now that we know how your voice sounds.
Hope you have a great weekend :)
What a great mama you are! My goodness thats a lot of stuff to store!
I have a present for you over at my place. xxxx
swampangel the little booklet is for 'new world' gas cookers made until 1973. I guess it was info and recipes that came with the cooker. I expect Sam got it from a jumble sale.
karisma that is very sweet of you to think of me :)
TLG I have a Farmhouse cook book wonder if it the same one!
I did watch and it was great hearing the voice behind the blog. You have a great accent! It's a wonder you ever found that book! LOL!
Cook books? My mom has 2 that I just love, but she wont part with them! But I do a lot of copying. LOL!
You can send me TV detectives bwaa ha ha ha
I have my moms old "Pie" cookbook.
She wrote me a special note in it and I treasure it.
that looks like a minnesota cook book!! and ones with food on them are the best!!!
that was wonderful chris!! and all those books goodness..and such and neat and orderly storage space as well!! (i should snap a pic of our attic, lol).
and i also loved hearing your voice :)
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