I might be in trouble.......
This was not the post I intended for today. I was having trouble uploading and have shelved it for today. As I was getting rather frustrated I decided to have a little play with a programme on my computer that I have not used before. Because I'm a bit clueless it took me a while to figure how to convert a 'tiff to jpg'. I don't know the difference and whatever is a gif?? I just know some things will not load to blogger!
I may well end up in trouble with Beccy for publishing this without her consent but she always forgives me!

I think I could have great fun with this when I learn a little more!
Us moms earn some payback now and then, LOL.
I was mostly looking at the gorgeous scenery in the background anyway.
gif? Don't know. Maybe Graphics In File? Geese In Fall? Grapes Into Fruit?
Actually it's Graphics Interchange Format which is the forerunner to JPEG (you can look that one up yourself).
JPG is more popular as it allows a greater palette.
Great picture, what a fabulous view and I love the speech bubble - I must see if I can do that.
Kila this was a photo taken in France. It does look beautiful, I wasn't there but the photos beccy took make me wish I could visit.
WT I'm lazy!!
Alix I might well be using the speech bubble more often now I know how!
Huge trouble, I hate those pictures of me in that hat. I only wear it to stop me from getting sunstroke!
Smashing Hat ideal for the purpose.
Now where are my crochet needles....?
HeHe!! Great looking floppy hat! Background scenery is beautiful!
All my tech problems are fixed by my hubby!;p
Good hat. Good speech bubble!
yup. i agree with WT everything used to be GIF. all the time. now its jpg tif or bmp. ahh bmp. he he.
I get lost in all those abbreviations and letters so try to stay away from figuring out what to do with them unless I have to.
Love the picture and the speech bubble is cute!
Good you have one forgiving daughter. Just the one, remember.
loved Sam's comment!!
I couldn't wait to see what Beccy wrote, lol. Just remember, Chris....there's such a thing as paybacks! ;)
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