Summertime Ends.
British Summer Time ended yesterday (well 2am today) so we had to put the clocks back an hour and I for one am not looking forward to living in semi-gloom for the next few months. Last night you technically got an extra hour of sleep, however my body clock doesn't realise that and I was up very early today (well before 6am). It's a good job really because we have to go to London again and hopefully this will be our last trip for a while. I will leave you with a photo I took last time I went to London.
October 28th 2006: It's not my Birthday
Labels: windmill
We set ours forward last night. I'm not overly keen on going in either direction (although I'm not rabid about it). I dislike the Autumn change the most though, because you really get robbed of afternoon daylight!
Those wind powered generators ar really tall and there's a chance there was some air movement up that high, they don't need much.
I am now going to sound like a provincial hick. I did not realize that Great Britain and Australia did the whole "daylight saving" time. I'm not sure if that's what you call it or not. Our clocks are going back on Nov. 4 this year. They (you know, the infamous they) changed it from Oct and April to Nov and March this year. Who knows?
I'd rather have gained an hour last night than lost one as we did, as WT mentioned already.
Maybe it is windier up high than on the ground?
ris you forgot the clock on this blog.
I always forget the clock in my car.
Have a good day in London.
bye bye summetime :(
got an award awaiting your collection, see you in a week byeee
You just sent me scurrying to Google. I guess we have usually changed on this weekend too, but from now on it's to be the first Sunday in November.
I think we go back next weekend here. It means the winter's here, dark afternoons but also an excuse to curl up on the sofa with chocolate, tea and watch and TV!
Those wind farms are a complete joke, a waste of money!
Several have already said that the ole US decided to be different and change it this year so it will be next weekend instead. I'm not a big fan of the change either since like you I just end up waking earlier.
I see that WT already said what I was going to say about there being some breeze up higher.
we turn our clocks back next week. The news said waiting a week would save oil and be better for trick-or-treaters.
I was very pleased to have the extra hours sleep.
Wt, theotherbear and Pamela muggins here didn't think of that!
It seems really weird changing the date although I would really like double summertime which gives extra light. Scottish farmers objected as they would have too much darkness.
well isn't that strange???
Our time doesn't change until NEXT week, but my daughter's alarm clock DID reset (automatically) and she overslept for church yesterday! We kept knocking on her door, thinking she was awake, and she was thinking "Why are they waking me up so early?".
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