The very candid
Karina is hosting this week. She wants to see our 'security blankets' as in 'what we wouldn't leave home without'!
There are a few things I never leave home without, and it depends whether I'm walking or driving. But top of my list has to be my specs as I'm short-sighted, this is just one pair but I do have a photochromic pair and sunglasses.

If I'm walking its these keys but if I'm driving it's the set below. I have to have them around my neck as I tend to loose them in my handbag~it's sad when you get old!!

Most times my handbag is with me and contains a lot of useful item, see what you recognise, beside the purse, cheque book wallet, address book, plasters are a must, so are wet wipes. I'll leave you to look a little closer if you are interested!

This is not a good photo as I had to take it through a mirror and crop. I am getting used to taking my camera with me everywhere I go as I would hate to miss the perfect blog shot!!

Lastly my cell phone. Before you say anything I know it's out of the arc and jolly heavy but it's the only one I've ever had and it works, so as I rarely use it it has to do.
So that's me done I'll see you all later........ now where did I put my car keys I need to do some grocery shopping!
Labels: bag items, Fun Monday
That's all you keep in your handbag?
oh, my gosh...we have the same phone! I like it - I know where all the buttons are!
I had the same phone until my battery died, of course they don't make them anymore so I had to get a whole new phone!
(What are plasters?)
Yes! Another devoted Wet Wipes carrier. Those things are awesome!
Specs, I don't miss at all! Phew!!;D
I like others. Happy Monday. It's cold Monday for us here for a change, feels so good!:))
Look at you with those fancy house keys!! When I was growing up we lived in a house where all the rooms had skeleton keys. We didn't use them but I found a skeleton key and was able to lock my brothers out of my room, but what just occured to me was I could have locked them in their room. Why didn't I think of that? You know why? Because they would have killed me later after they climbed out their two-story window. Ooooh....
showing what's inside your handbag is like showing off your knickers. I am actually surprised not to see a pair of them up there too.
Does that mean then, if your knickers aren't pictured, that you sometimes like to go commando?
Wow! You are so prepared!
Love the skeleton key.
what's it open?
Love the keys!
OOOh - I'm salivating over the skeleton keys. We don't have those anymore. Well, probably some of the really older homes do. They are so neat.
beccy I've reduced the amount I carry about!
sandy I'm glad someone else has that phone- my battery is getting a bit dodgy though!
Lisa so when my battery finally dies I guess I will have to get a new phone. Sticking plasters (an adhesive strip of material for covering cuts and wounds) what do you call then??
nikki a must in every bag. I got used to carrying them when my grandchildren were small but they are brilliant anyway.
Asha I wouldn't mind being able to get rid of mine! We had some sun over the middle of the day and it was warm enough to go out without a coat but its much colder now.
junebug don't know whether you noticed I keep one of those little laser torches on my key ring, very useful in the dark.
sam don't give away all my secrets!
deborah and I was never a scout!!
jenny and karmyn those keys fit what we call a mortise lock. They are much harder to break into. So we have double locks on my front door and beyond that the porch door. At the back of the house if I come in through the cellar there are two doors both with this type of lock. All the doors in our previous house had these type of locks and we did lock the downstairs at night for security.
beckie the downside is they are heavy!
Chris- Band Aids (I guess that's the name brand but it's become common) or adhesive bandages (but really everyone just calls them Band Aids, like we call Q-Tips Q-Tips!)
Now this is what my purse USED to look like before kids. Now I enjoy being a little "nude".
what are plasters???
cooooool keys! mine are so boring.
heh... in fact, mine are so boring it didnt even occur to me to post them. happy fun monday!
I agree with everybody else. I'm in love with the darling set of keys. I'm with Lisa. What's a plaster?
Ah...you kept this relatively simple. I love how you got a picture of your camera...hey, you did better than Min ;).
When I posted mine, I realized I was out of hand wipes (hope I remember when I get to the store!).
Those really are great keys. I had a phone exactly like that until I dropped it in a toilet. Dang it!
Happy Fun Monday.
I'm surprised the keys aren't for your handbag! That's some collection!
I used to have one of those phones, too. I actually liked it better, b/c the buttons were easier to find and push. You must have some cool locks on your house to use those keys!
My husband had that same phone for the longest time and loved it. Was the only phone he could find that had the larger buttons for his massive hands. He misses it terrible. Happy Fun Monday!
I'm with everyone else on the keys, looks like you live in an abbey. Although truth be told, my back door has one of them.
Ilove the large key on your "walking" set. it is a beautiful key, if a key can be beautiful
Clever you taking a picture of your camera in the mirror. I do not always have my camera. However, I wish that I did.
I wish I could carry so little in my handbag! Invariably what starts off as a sparsely filled bag ends up stuffed to the gills with heaven only knows what!
Do you really need to carry so much useless stuff around all day?
Be practical like me, just take what you *know* you'll need....
Like everyone else said, I love those keys! And I was going to ask what "plasters" were, but I see that's been answered. See, Fun Monday is educational, I just learned something new! ;-)
things I need are always hidden at the bottom of my purse. It must be a universal rule.
i used to have that same phone - and probably still would if my husband hadn't gotten a new one for work and passed his down to me. :o)
I really enjoy those Listerine things! Talk about fresh breath! I really really love those old keys!
I had that phone like 10 years ago. :) My mom is like you though and still has one of them. :)
I see your keys, they're right there - up there, no not that set, the other, you don't want to walk and carry grocery bags. :) Glad I could help.
Love the skeleton key. Hope it opens a real lock. They are so rare these days...
Great shots, I like the one of the camera in the mirror very clever and clever to remember to take it out too!
I like your key ring and handy to have a torch on there - I need one of those
Happy Monday - although as mine is nearly voer I guess yours is completely over, so Happy Tuesday!
well at least you only loose your keys inside the handbag i loose mine everywhere else LOL
the rotton correspondent I know I shouldn't laugh but dropping the phone down the loo!!
sirdar the keys do work.
Alix the little laser light are not very expensive and so useful.
Everyone who commented on the large buttons on the phone I agree, I have great difficulty if I ever use embee's phone.
I forgot to include my camera as something that is always with me in my post! Probably wasn't thinking about it when I was taking pictures of the rest of the items. Kelly carries one with him all the time also.
Terri Lately I've got much better at taking my camera which is why I included it. Now all I need to do is to remember to take photos!!
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