London Bridges
Do you know how many bridges cross the Thames in London you might be surprised and can find the answer here.
When you drive along the Embankment which borders the Thames on your way into London you pass several bridges. I was trying to get photos of all of them but it proved more difficult than I anticipated. However I did get a couple of the Albert Bridge which looks particularly pretty when it's lit up at night. I think I only managed these because we had to stop at traffic lights! Also it was raining and a very dull day.
This is the Chelsea Bridge and you can see some of the Battersea Power Station in the background.
These were taken driving across the Vaxhall Bridge looking down towards the London Eye (which you can just see in the distance)
so the game we played as a kid "london bridge is falling down" would be a tragedy, for sure, but it wouldnt stop traffic so to speak. which bridge ARE we talking about in that song, or are you familiar with it? for all i know its a rude way of communicating our supposed betterness than the brits through a kids song. forgive my ignorance, if so.
I love looking at bridges but driving across them gives me the heebie jeebies.
Love the Chelsey bridge!:))
Brings back many memories of visiting Sam in London.
Nice bridges!
Is it MI6 or MI5 that may confiscate your picture? :)
Wow..what for nice bridges!I like bridges.Cool pictures!
Beautiful pictures. Thanks for taking us along on your trip.
I'm with Swampy. Love to look at them, hate to drive over them.
Very nice pictures!
you know it's kinda funny i hate driving across bridges but love looking at them;)
That is a lot of bridges - but needed for a big city with a river!
In Portland, Oregon - there are 7 bridges that cross the river and one is about to fall apart, so they need to rebuild it. (it's one of the oldest and trucks are no longer allowed to cross it. It scares me!)
I have actually seen a couple of those in person!
Jill this is London Bridge
Lisa probably both of them.
karmyn I think I would be worried crossing them if I knew any of the bridges had problems.
Great post and pictures. I love coming over the bridge on the train into Waterloo - don't know which bridge it is but the view is cool.
There isn't actually a Thames Bridge crossing when you come on the train to waterloo - because the station stops just short of the river.
There is Hungerford Bridge (a block away) however, which is my old favourite - that the trains go over just before Charing Cross Station. That is the route i used to take every day when i worked in London.
Sam you have saved me doing some research to answer Alix
Dear Chrisb. I like the MI6 building... Gives me the heebie jeebies with the number of cameras though!
There are a lot of bridges there. I checked the link. I thought we had a lot of bridges in Portland when there was just 7 going to the downtown area.
Terri London is awash with bridges, mainly to do with the River Thames. They are all so different and many are of historical interest.
I love bridges and those look so fun! I would want to wonder and take many photos. Were you driving and taking the photos? Scary :) Happy Halloween!
Do you hold your breath when you cross them?
Our kids did that, and through tunnels.
Those are some pretty bridges!! It amazes me that mankind is able to build a road over water!
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