Are you smarter than me!!!!!
I cannot remember whose blog I saw this on so apologies for not giving you a mention. Having done the test I now have confirmation that I'm not the brightest pebble on the beach. I had this in draft wondering if I was actually going to own up to this low score. Then what do I find today Willowtree beat me to it and posted this. He's such a (_E=mc2_) as he's smarter than 97% of us foolish enough to to take the test. I just wish there had been more trivial questions about England and I might have upped my score!!

I need some encouragement so give it a go and I don't really mind if everyone is smarter than me provided that you are kind enough to still keep visiting me!!!!!
Labels: quiz
Chris- You are smarter than I am, and I will NOT say what I got!
(In my defense, I was doing well until the math questions, not my forte'!)
I am sure I am not smarter than you Chris but I will give it a go!!:D
Just done it Chris, 82.4%.
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I am smarter than you but don't worry I will still visit.
Only Smart mothers produce such smart daughters, remember!
Hump, I think they got the answers wrong!!!
beccy that's what I thought so what was your score you can email me if you don't want to say in public!!
I'm smart enough to not want to know how dumb I am.
lisa I feel the same way about maths oh and geography I bet I got all thoise wrong!
asha have a fun weekend :)
johng I see another (_E=mc2_)!!
AC now that really is smart!!
i finally broke down and tried it... lets just say that i'm the dumbest of the dumb;P ahh well im used to it;P
good on you for doing so well though
This test is good and I had at 5 questions the false answers.You are really good problems are the math questions ;O)!
I had a bit higher - but not by much. Some of those questions were "tricks"
wolfbaby I don't believe 'dumbest' for a moment-not someone who get 'A' and 100% in class!
steffi that's good I probably didn't pick up all the trick questions.
karmyn well my school reports always said 'could do better if she concentrated more" so it's the story of my life!!
LOL! As you know, that test's not really anything to do with being smart, it's just about how good your memory is and how well you can recall information. I think you're very smart if that's any consolation.
Having said that, I do have an IQ of 143 that was only recently tested, (it was higher when I was in my twenties) which actually does put me in the top 3 percentile.
Totally scared to take the test....will do it when I have more time! Rest assured you probably are smarter than me!
Aw, Willowtree's intelligence level went down a few points for the sheer fact he couldn't keep George W. out of his country.
Don't know where my second comment went but I did it twice with the same answers and got 50% then 75% which strikes me as dumb. Joules also did it twice and got different answers by a few percent (early 80's) which makes sense. Dillon was pleased to be the smartest with 85.85%.
Tiggerlane LOL George w has been making a lot of gaffs according to our press!!
beccy I think time it takes to do test may also come into it so second time around would be quicker! I knew I had a smart grandson.
willowtree I'm not sure if your comment makes me feel better or worse. I just thought I would do an IQ test and when I got to the end they wanted me to pay $10 to get my results so I'm still none the wiser- probably better not to know I might go into decline !!
My IQ is 135 on one of those tests, I found a free one.
i realised which question tricked me first time round - and I was definitely dumb for not getting a full 100% the first time - if I had been really smart I would have done.
But I do have 100 now
I missed 3 answers and got 85.53 percent. I agree I think the amount of time it takes goes into the account for your score also, who knows. I've done the online IQ tests before also and the last one I did I got a 136. I don't know that I'm very smart though...
Terri no wonder you and beccy are on the same wavelength with similar IQ!
Well I'm smarter than 76.41% of people who have taken the test. Which doesn't mean I'm smarter than 76.41% of the entire world. I think I failed on the US geography questions.
i got an 85.6%....i wanted to know which ones i got wrong tho...;)
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