I have quite a large lavender bush in our front garden and have never really made any attempt to dry it. I love the smell of lavender and always rub some on my hands as I pass the bush. So this year I decided to try drying some and I thought I might even make some little sachets. Embee, ever eager (hehe!!) to do some pruning, brought in a bag full and at the moment it's spread on paper. I put it in the sun that shines through the sitting room window thinking this would dry it out. Oh how wrong can you be, direct sun is a big no-no. This I found out when I decided to do a bit of research, which would have been better before I started. I now know you dry it by hanging upside down in bunches and to remove the dry flower you can gentle roll it in a pillow case. So it's back to try again the correct way. The lavender aroma in the house takes me back to my childhood and the lavender polish my mother's cleaning lady used. I know I digress but she used to sit in the bedroom and have a crafty ciggie and my brother and I used to take great delight on going into the room to scare her just as she was puffing away. Isn't it strange how things trigger a memory that you haven't thought about for years.
I would be interested if anyone dries lavender and can give me any other tips.
Having a cleaning lady isn't so posh - I think it's common sense - I used to get thoroughly stressed about cleaning every weekend and ill too since I am highly allergic to house dust. I would give up many other luxuries and maybe even some necessities before I would give up my cleaner.
I make bunches of it, tie it tightly with a ribbon and hang it upside down. It dries beautifully and lasts a LONG time. You can trim the stems all the same size to make your bunch a bit neater.
beccy and sam having a cleaner is only common sense if you can afford it and I never have been able to so I had to do my cleaning at the weekend when I worked. Granny only had help when we had the shop and that's because the shop was 7 days a week and so she never got a day off.
I SO adore lavender and it just won't grow in my yard - it is just a tiny bit too cold! Other people (in the city) seem to manage - but I buy it and kill it every single year! You make me terribly envious.
Check your library for a book called The Scented Room by Barbara Milo Ohrbach. It has lots of useful info on the different ways drying flowers and how to store and use them in different crafts.
I love lavender - They have the loveliest smell and reminds me so much of my vacation in the south of french. I only ever dry roses - hang them ouside down and then spray with hairspray so that the petals won't drop.
I have no tips, but eagerly await hearing them from others. I'd like to hang a few in my house. (seeing as I have a puff here and there;)).
Granny had a cleaning lady? That sounds posh.
Drying is easy I think.JUst wrap them in the paper towel and let it sit on the table somewhere in the shadow?
That is a large bush:)
beautiful lavender bush!
Having a cleaning lady isn't so posh - I think it's common sense - I used to get thoroughly stressed about cleaning every weekend and ill too since I am highly allergic to house dust. I would give up many other luxuries and maybe even some necessities before I would give up my cleaner.
I make bunches of it, tie it tightly with a ribbon and hang it upside down. It dries beautifully and lasts a LONG time. You can trim the stems all the same size to make your bunch a bit neater.
Very beautiful lavender!I have lavender in our garden too in the near from my roses.
I love lavender also. I've dried flowers and such before and yes you hang them upside down, other then that I don't know anything.
beccy and sam having a cleaner is only common sense if you can afford it and I never have been able to so I had to do my cleaning at the weekend when I worked. Granny only had help when we had the shop and that's because the shop was 7 days a week and so she never got a day off.
beckie, terri and asha thanks for the tips.
I SO adore lavender and it just won't grow in my yard - it is just a tiny bit too cold! Other people (in the city) seem to manage - but I buy it and kill it every single year! You make me terribly envious.
Check your library for a book called The Scented Room by Barbara Milo Ohrbach. It has lots of useful info on the different ways drying flowers and how to store and use them in different crafts.
barbara you never know if the girls read this they may get it for me for Christmas!
Great picture. I love the smell of lavender. It's so soothing.
I would love to have that lavender bush, it's one of my favorite smells.
Sorry I can't help with how to dry it properly, but I bet your yard/house smells lovely.
I love lavender - They have the loveliest smell and reminds me so much of my vacation in the south of french. I only ever dry roses - hang them ouside down and then spray with hairspray so that the petals won't drop.
thanks for the comments this is one sweet smelling house!
some of my favorite bath soap is lavender... i wanted to try and grow some this year in my yard.. it got flooded out grrrr..
enidd's mum likes to use lavender oil for headaches - enidd thinks it works, sometimes.
here's a web site enidd found on drying lavender - ehow.com
I'm with enidd's mum on this and I also used to love it in a bath, very relaxing- thanks for the useful link.
wolfbaby yes it needs soil that drain well and a sunny spot.
lavender is SO pretty and has such a pretty scent. i hope you manage to dry and save some for later.
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