Postcard from Connemara for Fun Monday #125

Let's talk about TEARS. What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘tears’? Have you ever had tears of laughter and tears of joy? When was the last time you had tears of joy? Tears of laughter? Tell us about it!
Well I'm actually on holiday staying with my youngest daughter this week so I'm slightly bending the rules. We are having a lot of fun and one of the things we did was a ride on the beach at Cleggan in Connemara. We woke up to rain on Saturday morning and began to wonder what we had let ourselves in for but it did clear sufficiently for the duration of the ride. I haven't ridden for a few years and we had to be assessed to show we could control a horse by trotting and cantering in a ring.

I suppose you want to see me on my horse, Tom, just prove I really did the ride.

2008: A Partisan's Daughter
2007: Gifts from France
Labels: Beach, beccy, Family, Fun Monday, Ireland, Omey Island, photos, riding
Excellent post. Tears of pain. Ya, I think we've all experienced that before, but look at it this way, you can mark this off your bucket list with 'tears of joy' that you did it!!!!
Happy fun Monday
What a neat thing to have on your bucket list! And you DID it! I do know how much riding a horse (or a bike) again after a long break can hurt. I am not looking forward to a new case of bike-butt once I'm back on my saddle!
Anni I agree with you about the 'tears of joy' it's a great feeling to be crossing things off the bucket list.
Sayre I haven't ridden my bike for a couple of years (or maybe more) and I have a weekend coming up where that will be the mode of transport so fingers crossed I've recovered by then!
OMG that would've been fantastic, I did a beach ride years ago when I was still in my teens and loved it!
wow that is really something, it looks like fun. I hear you about tears of pain...I've had lots of those. Its great that you are doing things on your bucket list.
Oh what fun, I now have visions of you galloping along the beach at full speed, with you hanging on to the horses neck screaming at the top of your voice LOL
It was loads of fun so I for one am glad it was on your bucket list!
What a fun thing! However, I'd probably be having tears of "freak-out" because I am not too fond of horses. (yes, they scare me a little)
I once learned a fiddle piece called Connemara Stockings, but I forget it now.
Aren't you a loyal Fun Mondayer Chris to post while you're on holiday. Love your "postcard." Are there stables nearby where you rent horses for the day's ride? And what breed(is that right?) are they. Our Kentucky racing thoroughbreds don't have hairy ankles! Enjoy your visit.
Wow! I think even I might brave a horse again to make that ride! And Im not so sure its your "old" bones causing the pain, more likely that they are just out of practice!
Tears of pain...had that!
Thanks for joining... ;)
Congrats Chris on achieving the horse ride on the beach. I'd be too afraid to ride a horse.
If you can remember, you *did* have the opportunity to ride across a more temperate Californian beach when you were a couple of years younger and it wouldn't have been as sore on your bones, but you turned down the chance.
Enjoyed your photos!
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