Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sock it to me!

After doing this Fun Monday post about what we wear on our feet I got to thinking that I really ought to knit some bed socks that I could wear around the house in the cold weather. I know I should have thought about this at the beginning of the winter not the end. To tell the truth I did think and think and think but that was as far as I got.

Once I made up my mind I found out my needles and started to look for patterns; no luck in the nearest store that sells wool. I trawled the internet and found a couple of simple patterns that I printed off. When I was staying with Beccy we found a pattern book but I was not prepared to pay 17euro. So I decided to use what I had found on the internet.
There was very limited choice of wool colours so this is what I bought. I haven't done any knitting for many years and I didn't realise that my poor arthritic fingers and wrists would be so painful. I persevered and what, once upon a time would have taken me a couple of days, took over a week but one is completed and I've started on the second.

Sam has since found me another pattern, and my mother's friend also lent me a pattern, so I have plenty to keep me busy. By next winter I might have a basket full!

2008: 4th Poscard from Dublin
2007: Who's Telling Porky Pies

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At 7/3/09 15:17, Blogger Sam said...

excellent job, mum!

At 7/3/09 15:39, Blogger kitten said...

Wonderful job!!!!

At 7/3/09 16:45, Blogger ChrisB said...

sam they are not the prettiest thing you've ever seen but very warm.

At 7/3/09 20:54, Blogger Unknown said...

They look good!

At 7/3/09 20:55, Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry, IT looks good! LOL!

At 7/3/09 22:03, Blogger MarmiteToasty said...

The only think in life my mother gave me was the gift of knitting, she taught me from when I was 6.... I can knit any stitch be it aran fairisle intarsia or whatever, and years ago I use to have me own designer knitwear thing going on..... sigh...... I hadnt knitted since my divorce, but about a year ago I picked up my needles again and oh the pleasure and joy and love for pure wools and pure cottons came flooding back...... I have shelves upon shelves of knitting patterns and books.......

pssttt Ive never ever knitted socks though, but now you have me thinking maybe I would like to......... GOOD JOB on your knitting.....


At 7/3/09 23:01, Blogger ChrisB said...

MT-I think that's a pretty good gift. My granny was a good knitter but I'm just self taught and not that good. I really did most of my knitting when my children were young. I did a little for my eldest grandson but it was not so fashionable by then. What got me interested again was hubby saying he wanted bedsocks for Christmas and finding out how difficult it was to find any. The ones I did find were so expensive I thought I would try my hand again so I'm really practising at the moment.

At 8/3/09 00:51, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should wear it on one foot for a while, and then on the other for a while, that way neither one gets too cold while you're knitting the second sock!

At 8/3/09 03:16, Blogger karisma said...

OH NO! Why did you not nag me? You know I forgot all about sending you the sock pattern. Now you are going to have to accept the pattern AND a free pair made by me! Its the least I can do! Norty Karisma!

PS. Love that wool, its gorgeous!

At 8/3/09 08:25, Blogger ChrisB said...

Jill now there's an idea.

Karisima I only nag embee and he takes no notice! I would still like a copy of your pattern sometime. But you don't have to do penance by making me a pair- nice as that would be.

At 10/3/09 07:16, Blogger Pamela said...

I should try knitting again. It's been centuries (ha ha)

At 10/3/09 19:38, Blogger Ari_1965 said...

I want to learn to do this. I love thick socks you can wear like slippers. I'd like to make some in nice wool that is similar in color to my dogs. Tweed? I'm tired of looking down at my slipper socks and seeing them covered in dog hair. Since I can't get rid of the dog hair, perhaps I can buy some wool that doesn't show the dog hair as much.

I often think I need to dress entirely in tweed outfits.


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