Stoke Park Estate became a hospital and then residential house

Anyone who has driven on the M32 out of Bristol will have seen this imposing building sitting on the horizon. Back in the 1700's when it was built it was part of a large estate, Stoke Park. In 1908 it was let to Rev Harold Burdon and became a colony for the mentally handicapped. In 1948 it was taken over by the NHS. When I was completing my nursing training in the early 60's, I remember working alongside nurses, from Stoke Park Hospital. They were seconded for a short period to work in general nursing and I hate to say this, but I recall not being particularly impressed with the way some of them interacted with the patients.
When care in the community became the policy, for people with learning disabilities and metal health problems, the hospital and the estate gradually became very rundown and it eventually closed. More recently it has been sold and developed as residential housing. Behind the main building which I understand has been converted into apartments is a large residential estate.
I'm not at all keen on the colour it has been painted but I suppose it does make this well known landmark stand out!
2007: Witty Wednesday-28
2006: Riviera Del Sol
Labels: photo, Stoke Park
I don't recognise it and have driven down the M32 numerous times!
Beccy I cannot believe you have never noticed this driving out of Bristol!
Hmmm, I'd always wondered what this building was!! I really do not like that horrible yellow-y colour it is, but at least now I know what it is or was!!
(I like having a local blogger that sees the stuff that I do!!)
According to the link, this was the manor house of Lord Botetourt and family, so wouldn't that mean it was "a colony for the mentally handicapped" long before 1908?
I don't know if I'd want to live in a mental hospital. I'm not fond of that mustard yellow I want to play Clue, it was Col. Mustard in the observatory with the wrench!
oh my apologies, you said mentally handicapped not mentally ill.
WT LOL yes they probably more money than sense!
Kaytabug I was very tempted to go and have a look at the show apartment when they were advertising. I bet the view is spectacular but knowing some of the stories I wouldn't want to live there either.
Col Mustard ha loved playing Cluedo when the girls were young.
I know exactly where it is. Beccy can't have her wits about her!
WT just cracked me up
It's very... yellow, isn't it? lol.
Great pic ,Chris!I love to see such castles!
Have a nice second advent weekend,Chris!
Say NO to painting buildings yellow lol...
I obviously had my eyes on the road whilst driving down the motorway!
It doesn't look appealing to me, perhaps because I assume the worst about the way patients were cared for.
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