Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Monday # 85 Dare I show my closet!

I am actually on holiday and as you are reading this I should be in Corfu enjoying some sun~ well that's the idea anyway!
When Alison said that her daughter Cassie was hosting this week I really wanted to participate so I decided to prepare in advance and schedule the post to be published on Monday. Lets Hope it works.

So what task did Cassie set us...well she might be young but she knows just how to embarrass me this as she says:

I want to see the inside of your closet!! I want to see if your closet is as messy as mine!!! You can't organize it before you take the picture!!

Well I have wardrobes rather than a closet! Oh how I long for a closet I actually had huge one built in my last house and it was brilliant. I took a few snaps as I was sorting out some clothes to take on holiday so it's not exactly tidy~ actually the wardrobes are never that tidy but going on holiday gave me an excuse so you see Cassie I obeyed your rules! Your mom will tell you I'm not always good at keeping to the rules!
Anyone who has an eye for fashion will also realise that I keep clothes that are years old and will probably never wear again so I think I will need to have a good turn out when I get back from my holiday.

I'm sure you don't want explanations of what's what so I'll leave it there. Oh one thing I will say is the long dress in the last picture (yellow /orange flowers) is one I made way back in the 80's just to highlight how I hoard!

I'm sorry I won't be visiting this week but I'll try and take a peep at some when I get back. Have a fun day and if someone would let me know in comments who is hosting the following week I would be very grateful. Thank You

2007: Michaelmas Day
2006: What is today

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At 29/9/08 01:12, Blogger Cynthia said...

Very tidy. I am glad I saw this, I am off to take a pic of my closet so I can post my FM also.

I hope you are having fun in Corfu.

At 29/9/08 03:58, Blogger karisma said...

Yes very neat and tidy! Mine was unshowable I tell you! I had to cheat! LOL! Now I want to know how you scheduled that to come up on Monday? I know it worked coz I checked in earlier and it was not up! I tried to do that once and it put it up straight away with a later date attached! Hmmmmm!

At 29/9/08 09:01, Blogger Ingrid said...

Wow that looks very tidy ! We mostly have wardrobes in Europe.
I leaned to not keep my old things anymore, I just gave them all away last year, lol !

At 29/9/08 10:19, Blogger Hootin Anni said...

Oh my gosh...Looks fine to me! I'm not 'into' cleaning closets at all. In fact, it almost looks like you've labeled your stuff, it's that organized.

Come see my mess. It's posted this morning.

Happy Fun Monday.

At 29/9/08 11:29, Blogger Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Have a safe trip! You are most tidy, my friend! And i am not sure myself who is hosting, or i would let you know!

At 29/9/08 11:42, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOooo, Chris--I HOPE you're having a delightful time :).

And our closet? That's messy? Looks like organized chaos to me:).

At 29/9/08 13:43, Blogger wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

Your closet looks very tidy to me. By the way, I've tagged you.

At 29/9/08 14:05, Blogger NariceatL4 said...

I'm afraid I'm going to win the messy closet contest for sure (unfortunately!).

At 29/9/08 16:35, Blogger Faye said...

If you have wardrobes instead of closets, does that mean you live in an old house? If so, I envy you!

Hope you're enjoying your Corfu holiday and will be anxious to see your photo travelogue on return.

At 29/9/08 17:08, Blogger Tiggerlane said... neat! And I love wardrobes...prettier than closets!

At 29/9/08 18:59, Blogger Sayre said...

Enjoy your holiday! Your wardrobes look pretty neat to me. My dad (from England) always PREFERRED to keep his clothes in a wardrobe. I think we were the only kids in school who actually knew what one was - as closets are so ingrained here that no one can imagine not having one.

At 29/9/08 19:08, Blogger Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Wow! How tidy is that!!?

At 29/9/08 22:58, Blogger the planet of janet said...

oh honey, this is SHOCKINGLY neat.

you go, girl. and when you get back, can you stop in and organize MY closets?

i'm hopeless.

At 30/9/08 01:00, Blogger jsi said...

You are punctual, forward thinking and very organized.

Thanks for showing us the inside of your wardrobe. It takes a bit of courage and bravery to expose what others typically cannot see or investigate.

Enjoy the time away!

At 30/9/08 04:16, Blogger Alison said...

love the clothes!! you have great taste.

thanks for playing this week.

PS. Mommy Wizdom is hosting next week.

At 30/9/08 16:45, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you participate in Fun Monday? Just participate? I don't want to barge in uninvited, but would love to join the fun!!


At 30/9/08 23:12, Blogger Betty said...

Hi Chris,

I haven't been too good at visiting lately so now I'm trying to catch up with everyone. I am enjoying seeing what's in others' closets. Now I don't feel so bad that I keep clothes forever even though I probably won't ever wear them again.

Have a safe trip home.

At 1/10/08 13:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How tidy! and all your shoes in boxes - wow!

Have an excellent time in Corfu!

At 1/10/08 20:52, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really very tidy. I've held onto a lot of clothes from when I first arrived here in the States 9 years ago. Let's just say they're a size 10 (US 6), and I've had two kids since then.

I am totally not jealous one iota that you're in Corfu. Nay way.

At 2/10/08 09:19, Blogger bichonpawz said...

It looks so organized and tidy!! I hang onto clothes in all different sizes. Wishful thinking I suspect. I will never be that small again. But, it's always good to dream!! :) Hope you are enjoying your holiday!

At 2/10/08 12:54, Blogger Steffi said...

Wow that´looks really tidy!
Enjoy the warm sun of Corfu!

At 2/10/08 17:22, Blogger kitten said...

I wish mine looked that good!

At 2/10/08 22:35, Blogger sallywrites said...

My closet looks like a jumble sale. Yours is so tidy!!!!!

At 3/10/08 09:37, Blogger wendishness said...

It's so tidy, I'm impressed :)

Hey how did you schedule this to show up? That's really cool.


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