Second Anniversary for MsCellania

Ms Cellania first tiptoed onto the blogging community on 20th September 2006. Until then my only experience of blogging was reading Sam's blog and a few other food blogs belonging to some of Sam's friends. Beccy quickly followed and I became part of a cosy little world. At that time I had no expectation of anyone other than family and maybe a few friends ever reading my daily drivel. Yes that's what I planned a sort of diary so that the girls and I could keep in touch and feel closer because we live so far apart.
Little did I know that two years on they would be blogging less and I would have met so many new friends. I think it was joining in Fun Monday from the beginning that has really introduced me to so many more delightful bloggers. I started my Witty Wednesdays intending to run it for a month and see if anyone would join in, and I was pleased when a few people did from time to time. For me this seems to have become a regular weekly slot as I now get lots of emails with jokes and cartoons and some bloggers just visit me on this day. I've been wondering should I keep it going or try something different~ what do you think?
I'm sure those who know me well will know that I am not very technical and have very little knowledge about using the different computer programmes but I do try and I have at least learned to do a lot more with my photos!
Are you into stats I'm not really but this will be post 732 on this blog. On my photo blog which I started some seven months later there are another 104 posts and I have had over 40,000 visitors, which might be few compared to many of you but it amazes me.
I'm also surprised at the old posts that get the most page views!
So during the past two years, on average, I have managed to sustain a daily post. I realise that there is very little substance to many of my posts and although I want to continue I do not always have anything of note to share. As I see friends dropping off the radar I do sometimes wonder if my addiction to blogging is healthy so you never know I may decide to reduce the time I spend at the computer. I certainly need to tidy up my side bar so that might be my first task when I get back from my next holiday. Ah now holidays always provide blog fodder so I'll have something to share in October!
2007: A year ago today
2006: Life Begins
Labels: 2nd blog aniversary
Congratulations on two years of blogging mum. I think finding a balance between computer life and outside life is key so keep up the blogging and plurking but maybe take up painting as well.
Congrats on two years of blogging Chris. Here's to many more.
Two years is great going, keep it up, bloggers come and go like in most things but there are always new friends on the way, that's what I've always found :)
We are twins! I started on the same day 20-09-2006!
Continue to enjoy and who knows we might actually meet up someday.
Happy Blogiversary!
Oh happy birthday. I've been blogging for just over four years. it's sure been a rewarding experience in so many unexpected ways :)
A very happy two year blog anniversary to you, Ms.Cellania. Hope to see and be around for many more sharing and caring years here. Enjoy!:))
my favourite comment is from grannymar. I love that supergran and grannymar started on the same day! Don't blog for the sake of it, and if you can't blog everything you have material for, so be it. Congrats Xxx
Happy 2nd Blogoversary! Wow … 732 posts … most impressive. I’ll be celebrating my 1st Blogoversary at Small Reflections in 32 days (according to the countdown widget in my sidebar) and at Sacred Ruminations in 33 days … and am AMAZED at all I’ve learned thus far. I can hardly imagine being here TWO years! Well done and here's to many more ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Congratulations on two great years of blogging. I agree it is a balancing act with blogging and real life.
I enjoy Witty Wednesdays - always a good laugh!
Well done Chris!! xx
It's been wonderful to have you here for two years! Hope to have you hanging around for a long time to come...
OMG ! This totally reminded me that I forgot my second Anni-Ver-Si-Ary !
So, a happy one to you. Congrats. We've been globbingbuds for a long time and I hope we can continue to stay in touch.
Just keep on blogging (globbing) because I love visiting here.
And, by the way, June Bug chose the pepperone and pineapple one...only because that's the piece I dropped on the ground.
Congratulations on your two-year anniversary. I kid about being a addicted to plurking and blogging, and having a life outside the the box. However, I certainly enjoy spending time with you and my other blog/plurk friends. I find the interaction fun, rewarding, and sometimes inspirational.
Congrats, Chris! It's amazing how fast time flies, isn't it? I hope to be able to continue reading your blog for many more years to come!
Congratulations on your 2nd Anniversary :)
Please keep Witty Wednesday I LOVE it. Although I still haven't learnt not to be drinking tea when reading it!
happy bloggiversary!
congrats chris on your two years!! i think i must have stumbled onto your blog shortly after you started. i can't recall now...i love reading your mondays and wednesdays...and all the bits in between (and your photos on plurk make me lol)
Happy 2nd Blog Anniversary!
I didn't realize till your post and one other that I have been blogging since Wednesday, March 29, 2006. It don't seem like it.
Congratulations, Chris, on your second anniversary of blogging. I always enjoy visiting you to see what's going on in your life.
My most sincere congratulations on your second Blogiversry!! I hope you continue to blog as I really enjoy reading all about your might not seem like much to you, but it is interesting to us! And I love your Witty Wednesdays!! I have found that I just can't keep up with ALL the social have taken it down to just blogging and Facebook, with an occasional Tweet. I just never really "got" Plurk...
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2 year Blogiversary! I have enjoyed your blog for a long time now. My goodness how the time has flown by because it sures seems much longer then two years ago since I started reading you. Here's to many more happy years of blogging!
Congrats on 2 years, I do not think I will make it that long LMFAO
Thank the Lord for blogging! Otherwise however would we have 'met'?
Thank you everyone for you kind wishes, I appreciate all your lovely comments.
Grannymar we are indeed twins what a coincidence that we started blogging on the same day!
happy anniversary Chris!! I am very proud and honored to call you one of my first bloggy friends....I hope you have many more years of blogging ahead of you!!
Happy Bloggiversary! So glad you started blogging so we could meet!!! I've enjoyed reading about your travels, the family, and just life!
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