Goji Bush!
A friend of mine order some Goji plants months ago and had promised that I could have one of them. They finally arrived a few days ago and I thought I had better plant it straight away. My friend said the bushes can grow to 3 metres so I got EmBee to buy large pot and some compost to start the process.

Yesterday I set about planting what looks like a little twig and I'm wondering how many years it will take to establish and start producing fruit. According to my information there should be some fruit after a couple of years. So we will have to wait and see and keep our fingers crossed, but I reason if they can grow in the Himalayas in Tibet, they might manage to grow here. In the mean time I will have to continue buying the dried berries.

2007: Catching Up
2006: Manic Mondays
Labels: animal photos, compost, garden, goji plant
I've never heard of the fruit before, but it sounds great! Good luck growing it and be sure to keep us updated!
I'm the same as swampangel - I'd never heard of them before either. But now I'm much more wiser, thank to yourself.
They both stole my line. Not only have I not grown them - I've never heard of them. They sound interesting...where did you buy the dried berries.
How interesting! Looking forward to how they grow/produce/etc!
beckie I buy the dried berries in a health food shop but the supermarkets sometimes have small packets.
Not me! I have a blueberrie bush and a peach tree that are this little though! Im really looking forward to them growing up.
Karisma I have 4 blueberry bushes as well and had quite a good crop this year.
Hi Chris,
I have never heard of this fruit let alone tried to grow it. Sorry I can't be of any help.
Why does the compost bag look like it should contain *nappys?
(* that's diapers to your American audience.)
I have never heard of this berry either. Keep us posted on your new plant. what do they taste like? I can definitely use them to get rid of cellulite!!
no idea, have only seen the fruit in the stores...but good luck. great big pot too :)
Sure doesn't look like much, does it?
Dried goji berries are available at my co-op. Amongst other benefits, eating goji berries is supposed to be good for your sexual health.
I've never seen them fresh.
I have never heard of this fruit before.So have no idea!But it sounds good!
ari- I had no idea they were that good!
now I have to go goji.
(going to check out the big nursey across from Amanda's in Portland, OR)
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