Fun Monday # 84 Team Sports

Our hostess today Heather and what topic has she set us today.....
Sports. More specifically, the sports team that you are rabid about. Maybe you love the Dallas Cowboys. Maybe you never miss a Cincinnati Reds game. Perhaps you follow every goal of the Fighting Illini Water Polo team. Or maybe nobody can tear you away from a Manchester United game. I want to hear about whatever sports team(s) that make you cry tears of joy when they win and tears of sorrow when they lose.
And on the flip side, I also want to hear about the teams you love to hate and why you hate them so much. You know what I mean. Like when you meet a new friend who is really cool and fun, and then you find out they root for your most hated rival team and you actually consider for a moment that you can't be friends anymore. Those teams.
That's it. And if you don't like any sports at all, I don't know what to say to you. Tell us something else you are impassioned about.
Well this is easy or maybe difficult because I do not follow any team sport in any way shape or form. Well actually that is not strictly true as I'll explain in a minute. As a child, my mother and I had to keep absolutely silent for my father to watch TV which was either sport (mainly football and cricket), cowboy films and comedy. My mother and I used to look at each other and burst into fits of giggles which did not go down well. This, together with having to go watch my father play matches or as I got a bit older field for him and my brother to play cricket really put me off.
I have only ever been to a football match once in my life and that was to see Bristol Rovers play because my then boyfriend's cousin was in the team. I also attended one Rugby match for similar reasons. When I was training to be a nurse I went to see a match (can't even remember who was playing) with a doctor, with whom I was quite friendly so I feigned an interest! Big mistake it was pretty boring but the drink in the pub after was worth the boredom!
Now I don't want to give the impression I don't like sport because that is not true, I do enjoy some of it in small doses but the one sport that would keep me glued to the TV is tennis. It is the one sport that I really love and played very competitively for many years. So I suppose you could say I follow the British Davis Cup Team. Not that they did very well this weekend losing to Austria, resulted in them being relegated from the world group.
Well that's it really, except of course the other thing I'm impassioned about is my family, so I'll leave you with a picture of my grandchildren (3 on the right) with a couple of their friends, when they were staying with me last month.
I'm sure that you will find many more posts that prove to be a lot more interesting than this one from the others participating this week.
2007: Ladies who Lunch
2006: Relax and Enjoy
Labels: Family, Fun Monday, photo, sport
Great looking bunch. I bet they are a sport in their self!
I mostly get into watching my kids play sports.
From one tennis fan to another … I so relate to your post! Alas, the USA lost this weekend too! Sigh … there’s always NEXT year, right? I enjoyed the photo of your grandchildren & their friends and think your post was delightful!
Hugs and blessings,
great picture Chris....I am like you when it comes to sports but I do love soccer!!
I'm not into sports much, either. However, that picture of your grandkids is great!
I love tennis, too. I don't follow it quite as much as I used to, but I never miss Wimbledon!
Your grandkids are a beautiful group.
thanks for playing this week!
Tennis is exceptional - it is so amazing to watch a warrior stand their ground and fight their way through all attacks launched at them. The USA lost this weekend too, so I feel your pain.
Thanks for sharing!
Being a typical American I do not understand cricket at all! It is like a foreign language - I'm sure others feel the same way about baseball!
TENNIS Rocks ! And you and I both know that !
Love that photo...especially that little giggle box in the middle.
swampy I took three pictures and Ben was determined to keep his eyes closed in every one!
I'm desperately trying to catch up on reading blogs and swore I was only going to skim and lurk until i was all caught up. But I had to click on this post and tell you how beautiful your grandchildren are! My goodness even their friends are adorable :o)
jsi we can commiserate together about the tennis results!
Joy I too am way behind with my reading so I know how you feel. Therefore I appreciate you taking the time to drop in on me.
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