Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Today my ex-colleagues (not all shown here as some had left by the time I remembered to take a photo) had their Christmas lunch in the Rose and Crown Pub in the village of Wick on the outskirts of South Glos. It's a pretty little place and the building is listed. If you're interested scroll down the page here for a photo of the pub taken in the summer when the flowers are in bloom.

Unfortunately I had to decline lunch, due to a prior appointment (sounds grand but it was just with my hairdresser, who couldn't change the appointment as she is fully booked in December. I was desperate for a trim before Christmas and then she rang and offered me an earlier appointment, as another client wanted a swap. By which time of course it was too late to book lunch- sod's law). However, I was able to join them for coffee and arrived having picked up Sue (who also retired same time as me) at precisely the right time, just as coffee was being served.

The pub felt very warm and welcoming as there was a lovely aroma coming from an open log fire burning in the bar area. It was so nice to see everyone and catch up on all that was happening both professionally and personally. Sue and I agreed that we had made the right decision (to retire) after hearing about all the changes that had ocurred during the two months since we had left. To think (yesterday's post) I was worrying about the stress of decorating, this is nothing compared to workplace stress. This dose of reality has brought me back to my senses (well almost). Do I really want to find a part-time job, maybe not; but as it's Wednesday I will just look at the Hot job section of the Evening Post just to see if anything catches my eye.


At 13/12/06 20:27, Blogger FH said...

It;s wonderful to see you enjoying life and Christmas get togethers! Enjoy Chris and hey! you have worked enough already ,time to enjoy and have many vactions!:D

At 13/12/06 20:43, Blogger ChrisB said...

Asha thank you, yes I love vacations and am planning more. I know you're right but it does take time to adjust after so many years in the work place. I think it's all to do with identity and self- esteem.

At 13/12/06 22:05, Blogger Beccy said...

Sounds like a lovely day Mum.

At 14/12/06 07:02, Blogger Barbara said...

I really miss the camraderie of working. I'm slowly replacing it with other activities, my favourite being Tai Chi. You should try it.

At 14/12/06 07:46, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barbara I think I need to make more effort. I have some ideas for the new year.wyc


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