Fun Monday # 82 and a Missing tooth

I am not joining in Fun Monday this week but I'm sure there will be some great opening paragraphs to read. It does seem kind of funny not to be participating as I have missed very few in all the time it had been running. Woodlandmamma is hosting this week and this is the challenge she has set:
Write the beginning of an unusual love story (not a real one). I only want the first paragraph. You can add an illustration or a picture to spice it up if you are really daring.
I'm sure there is still time to sign up!
Who lost a tooth last week??

A couple of hours later she said he would see me at the surgery the following day which was not a day he normally worked but he had to be there to do some work. I can tell you I breathed a sigh of relief. When EmBee came in from work I refused to smile at him (nothing unususual there hehe), he wanted to see the gap but absolutely no way was I going to expose my hag like gap to anyone!
The following day normality was restored and the tooth was firmly back in its rightful place. I now have to hope that it remains there because it could be major work if it doesn't. I have a follow up appointment next month so fingers crossed. This little episode set me back £70 but it was worth every penny to feel normal again and be able to smile.
Did you think you were going to see a picture of the gap sorry no can do....well it might have looked something like this...........

2007: Meme
Labels: Fun Monday, tooth
Ah … I feared I’d be the only one to flake out … um … I mean take this week off from Fun Monday. Ohmygosh … what an experience!!! How fortunate that your dentist made time for you and was able to fix things up quickly. I hope your replacement stays put!
Hugs and blessings,
I also flaked out - but I think it's funnier that "storyteller"
So glad that you were able to get your tooth fixed so quickly.
Poor you! Glad it was quickly fixed - I don't know you but from reading your blog, you'd have major trouble not smiling for a whole day!
Oh Chris...I can so relate to your embarrassment! A few months ago, I sneezed and my crown came out. Just flew right out of my mouth. Thank God I was at home and not anywhere else. You'd think by now, with evolution and all, that we'd be able to regenerate our teeth the way lizards grow their tails back when they get torn off.
Ah well, I hope everything stays good and in place for ya!
(I didn't sign up for the Fun Monday, either. I'm no good at writing!)
Glad the dentist could get you in.
my crown fell off over a year ago and i havent been to the dentist to fix it yet
is it an implant?
I hear you Chris B! Who can write about love with a missing front tooth? I have a very clever implant that's front and center--not the kind that women usually opt for! Anyway, am always warning my pilates instructor "Watch the teeth!" Thank goodness your dentist was willing to fix you up.
That's an expensive tooth!
Hey, I might have a go at that meme!
Mal :)
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who *flaked* out. I just can't seem to get my brain in focus lately. It must be my age!
Zoomie you should have seen me sitting at the computer with my hand over my mouth just in case I could be seen LOL
swampangel you know just how I felt~ I like the idea of growing new ones LOL
pamela I think implants are different to crowns not sure!
Mal that *linked* meme was quite a good one look forward to reading it.
Sam you really should get that tooth fixed. It alters all the alignments if there is a gap and can cause problems with the bite.
Mal I see now you meant the Fun Monday you wrote a good paragraph
The lovely she is wrong, she turned in her chair and gave me a beaming toothless smile, As I also have lost a crown and have plastic in my mouth anyway, I was all sympathy - and how much did you say it cost YOU. love
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Whew, Chris! Can imagine how you felt! Am so glad your dentist was able to take care of it so quickly!
p.s. Wanted to tell you that I made your cheese casserole yesterday. Just had a bite to taste, when my niece and her two friends came in after school and finished off the bowl! A huge success, it was! It's a keeper, thanks to you!
Poor Chris.I am glad it was quickly fixed!What a story!Have a nice week!
But I don't have a gap under my missing crown. I have a darling little stump.
sam so you are lucky they were able to use your old tooth as a post. I had a root filling so gold post attached to tooth as you could see
glad you are put back together...I think you could classify this as a love story since you love your smile!!
alison now why didn't I think of that LOL
oohh my!!! I have never seen a tooth that way..that pointy thing goes threw your gums?? I know iam kinda dumb!!
Glad ya got it fixed!! I would go crazy my first thought was chiclets..yep the gum like on Dennis the Menace??
I didn't do Fun Monday yesterday either. Glad you got your front tooth put back in. I know it was embarrassing because one I had a bridge come loose, so I had four front teeth missing.
Hope you are having a good week so far.
Oh my! Well Im glad you got it all sorted out!
LOL at Embee's comment! Funny we went to the dentist today too! But it was SB's turn and yes Embee HE paid for it! HE pays for everything!
did I tell you this? I can remember as a child the elderly lady who lived at the back of us - use to have broach made out of teeth!!
Oh dear. One of my most feared moments. A friend's mother-in-law once flushed her dentures down the toilet. She'd overindulged a bit with the alcohol and ....
OMG That happened to me when myself and Chef were hotel managers! I took the day off to find a dentist who would put it back in!
Urgh how horrible. I live in dread of losing a tooth in public. Glad you got it fixed.
You know what though? I think that if you all feel obliged re FM and get to feel guilty when you can't do it, then it's not exactly Fun is it? Perhaps it should be Fun Every Other Monday or something?
Catching up here but glad to hear all worked out with the tooth. My family would have been running around with a camera trying to get that picture. But they're mean so we won't talk about them :o)
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