Special visitors and a conversation
First I apologise for not visiting as many of my Fun Monday friends as I normally do yesterday. I will try and make it over to you...however if I don't I know you will forgive me when you know the reason it's because....
I'm off to the airport really early today to collect some very special people who fly in at 7:30am. I'll give you a clue they live in Dublin but only two members of the family are coming...two others are off to Scout camp in Switzerland, and one will be working! So any guesses?
I'll leave you with this conversation I had with Embee on Sunday afternoon.....
MB "I think I'll go and get a replacement for the 'thingy' that's broken"
Me "what 'thingy' is that?"
MB "If I could remember I would tell you"!
Me "How will you know where to go if you can't remember what you need"
MB " where I went this morning"
Me "Oh you mean B&Q (DIY store)"
MB "yes"
Me "OK".... and I started going through the different areas of the store......when I said garden....
MB "yes"
Me wracking my brain for inspiration I suddenly remembered he has mentioned several times the grass trimmer was not working......."would that be a trimmer by any chance!"
MB "yes"
Me "why didn't you say so in the beginning"
MB "I would have if I'd remembered what it was called"
Me "this I must tweet about" After all it's not like I'm telling the world just a few friends!
MB "I'm glad I give you plenty of material"
I then realised I couldn't fit it all into a tweet so I thought I'd better blog about it! You must admit it's quite funny. What with Embee and my mother I'm getting very good at guessing games.....I wonder how we'll manage when I go the same way!
Oh you maybe wondering did he come home with the correct implement! Well here it is.....

2007: My 300th Post
I do not use the term "thingy" and it was a "strimmer" I wanted. If you are going to publish every time I cannot remember a word, I might not remember what I wanted it for, or how to use it. Love
hmmm, could those people be a certain Beccy and Jools.....???
Hey! There is absolutely nothing wrong with the word "thingy" I use it all the time. Everything is a thingy of some sort! HE HE!
Have a great time with Beccy and her husband. Tell Beccy that I said hello.
How thrilling! Enjoy your company!
dad - you should start using the word 'thingy'. I love it: It covers everything you need to say ;)
Enjoy your company!
Use what, EMBEE?
Have a wonderful visit and give my best to Beccy!!!
LOL!! I love that embee was the first commentor! "Strimmer?" LOL!
Thingamajig. That's my story.
I use thingy all the time. It is also very common for me to walk into a room and say 'what did I come in here to get?'
Thanks for visiting me!
Enjoy your visit!!! Tell Beccy hello.
thingamabob, whatchamacallit, doo hingy.. hey -- I know what you're talking about.
Love you too Embee
LOL! I have had problems thinking of the right words to things or things to say my whole life. I'm better at showing than telling. Hope you enjoy your visit!
Enjoy your visit and many greetings to Beccy from me too!
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