It was not my fault, the new pot of yoghurt just jumped out of my hand honest it did!! Good job it happened as I was about to wash the kitchen floor and not afterwards- now who can I blame!!
I think Embee must have startled me hehe!!!!!!!
Labels: food, yoghurt
I'm guessing that before you started blogging, you would have reached for a sponge instead of a camera.
WT how right you are !!
I dropped an egg on the floor tonight. Must be something in the air.
I'm clumsy too.....rushing too much usually! Milk and sugar are the worst things to spill all over the floor. Sugar because it gets everywhere and milk because if you don't get every last drop mopped up,including what has run underneath the fridge etc, it really stinks! I usually blame the kids or cats....or K....anyone else really!
Does that mean all the things I got the blame for as a child weren't my fault?
barbara it's horrible cleaning up sticky albumin!!
HC I agree completely about milk and sugar- I usually manage to drop some on the floor when I am baking and then I find it scrunching underfoot!!
beccy 'fraid not those really were your fault ! xx
OOPS! Good job it wasn't dinner!!
john embee was jolly pleased it wasn't dinner- he doesn't like this yoghurt!!
At least it wasn't chocolate sauce or a jar of Golden Syrup - then it would have really been a sad thing.
You have a beautiful floor even with the spilled yogurt.
gone are the days when I would just call the dog (I miss my dog)
at least it's on the floor and not on the pc - god forbids!!
karmyn now would I have choc sauce and golden syrup!!
mjd ah but you can't see all the marks in the laminate!!
pamela I don't think my dog would have liked yoghurt but she used to hoover up most things !
la bellina mammina you are so right :)
Must be the hubby's fault since there were no kids...I usually find a way to convince the kids it was there fault then I can get them to help with the clean up....of course a dog might be nice for that also.
Bubba and JuneBug would have loved to come help you clean that up. Isn't it amazing what we do with our messes now? Take pictures of them and post them on the Internet to entertain fellow blogbuds.
my4kids clever move but the kids will soon cotton on!
swampy if someone had told me (a yr ago) this is what I would be doing I would have laughed- now I'm having great fun and laughing with all my new blog buddies :)
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