Fun Monday # 6

Willowtree chose "My Blogging Environment" as the topic for Fun Monday so here goes:
1 I believe I've mentioned before that I was reading blogs for a good two years or more before I ever considered writing my own. I first learned about blogging through my daughter Sam who writes a food blog so using her links I initially read mainly about food and restaurants and I know all the places she visits in San Fransisco which makes me feel closer to her. I also manage to pick up a lot of good recipes to add to my collection and hubby enjoys being my guinea pig.
2 It was only last September (20th to be precise) that blogging became my new favourite hobby and around that time my other daughter Beccy decided to swell the ranks.
3 I have free access to our computer during the day but during the evening I compete with my hubby. We have a rather old iMac that sits on a leather top desk that belonged to my father-in-law and was his office desk when he practised as an accountant and came to us after he passed away. It's not really the correct height as a computer desk but it is a nice piece of furniture so we won't part with it.
4 You may not realise it from the photo but the desk sits in our dining room and this is where I actually write. I am always looking for topics and spend quite a lot of time thinking about blogging. Over the past six months I have become addicted to blogging and have gradually found many blogs that I enjoy reading everyday. In fact it is becoming quite difficult to read so many each day that I find I have to ration myself and some only get read alternate days. I'm probably one of the lurkers as I do not always leave a comment but that doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed the post.
5 I actually yearn to learn more so that I can be more creative but that's not possible on this rather ancient computer (or maybe it's just me not being technically minded). We are intending to get a new computer but we're dithering as to whether to go for another Mac. It would be nice to have a laptop but again I'm not sure (any advice will be gratefully accepted).
6 You have probably noticed that my desk environment is untidy- I was tempted to make it very neat but Beccy reminded me you all need to see it as it is!! Actually my hubby usually has it piled much higher than this (he never takes any notice of the sign) so believe it or not this is quite good.
7 It's exciting to find new blogs, everyone has their own individual style which adds to the enjoyment and being part of Fun Monday has broadened my blogging horizons. I feel I have made many virtual friends so thank you all very much.
Labels: blogging environment, Fun Monday
Aaaaaahh!! Too much stuff on your desk!! I am a tidy-freak!
Ahhh that is so sweet Mum.
I'm very impressed that you took the picture without cleaning first!
Gosh VNM, if this is untidy, never look inside our house with our five children.
I was just thinking how nice your desk looked Chris!!
erik its actually a little less cluttered this morning but that's very unusual. I took the photo yesterday when hubby left the computer for a few mins (he had been busy finding answers to the telegraph crossword hence the newspapers). I thought you might go for the unlived in look !!!
beccy it was very difficult to leave the mess so I was quite proud of myself- I very nearly changed the photo as desk is virtually clear today.
sally this is only one little area of the house, there are plenty of other places that I would cringe to show the world because of the clutter. You should see it when we have a house full but a lived in house is a house full of love and that's what counts.
Wow ! When I clicked on the pic, your blogging environment took up my entire cornpooter screen. Is that an Imari (sp?) plate on the wall? Nice environment.
great space! blogging is so addictive!
Hey... I like that desk.
I like looking at people's houses, too. Your desk top (screen) looks like a family photo favorite. And the pencil? drawing above is fantastic.
What you can't see at my house is that I never dust. I hate to dust. It's a sin to dust.
I write my memoirs in the dust....
I like your every other day idea. I'm going to have to do something becvause Im late for work every day.. or else I don't shower.
(kidding about the shower)
swampwitch yes the plate is one of a pair unfortunately I don't have the other that is with my ex-SIL. now you're being polite messy environment would be more accurate.
nikki I gather there is now a 12 step recovery like AA to get e-mail addicts weaned off so I guess us bloggers will be the next target.
pamela the screen saver is a photo taken when beccy and family were over at xmas. The drawing is Sam and Beccy done from a photo back in 1989 you're right it's exceptional as the artist didn't know the girls but captured them beautifully. It was a present from Sam and I just love it.
I thought that was a drawing of Beccy and's nice that I "knew" that :).
Sometime you need to blog on the items on the shelves to the left; it looks like MANY good "stories" are waiting to be written.
Somehow, sometimes, clutter is comforting, not disquieting. As in this case (though I'm not sure why).
It HAS been a pleasure spending time with new friends in the blogosphere...but only bloggers understand why!
robin i'm so glad you recognised them. What a good idea to blog about the junk I hoard on those shelves. Glancing over now there are some interesting snippets I could share in the future so what this space!!
i love seeing these spaces. and that drawing of the girls is wonderful!
btw, i'd go for a mac (eventho i don't have one, i wish we'd gone that way years ago).
Cute little computer. I must,must have a sign like that. My husband doesn't believe in filing anything which drives me crazy because I like everything in its place. He will spread papers from one end of the house to the other.
Mum that picture was a gift from both of us!!!!! I certainly remember contributing to it more than posing for the picture and I was a poor student!
That chair looks very, very comfy.
Very nice looking spacious space for writing err..typing!I love the chair,looks like the one we have in the study with desktop.
We have 4 lapTops for each of us(kids need them for school) and one Desktop with printer and scanner attached.
Well, I am pleased to see an untidy desk (considering that there were only about 3 of us who didn't clean up before taking pictures.)
I love that drawing up on the wall.
elena jane we are very fond of our imac so I expect we will go for another mac.
mary your husband has a double in this house; we do have a study upstairs but we can't use it because its too full and you can't even see the desk so no chance of putting a computer up there. I just didn't have enough nerve to post a picture of that room. I wish I could say the sign worked but the only thing that helps is if we have visitors and need to use the dining room and then he only plays hide and seek with all the papers and several brief cases until the coast is clear.
beccy sorry I boobed there of course it was from both of you. I think it was Sam who decided on the picture (or have I got that wrong as well) that I still have it framed by my bed.
amy you're right chair is comfy so there's no incentive to leave the computer. I often find my hubby watching the TV from this chair.
asha it would solve a lot of problems if we actually had 2 computers; there would be less arguing as to whose turn it is.
karmyn at one point I thought I was going to be the only one that would be remembered as untidy.
The picture is such a good likeness of the girls as they were when it was done. I am just waiting for beccy's MIL to finish a beach scene painting with all the family in I had a preview when I was visiting last week and I am thrilled with it.
I would love to do these fun mondays, but as they all seem to be picture posts and i can no longer download it seems pointless. I love reading them though. Your desk is much neater than mine!
Kudos for showing the desk au natural, that's what it's all about. Plus I think it looks good. And I too would like to hear about the stuff on the shelves. Pamela did a post like that once and it was very interesting.
I agree with all your thoughts about blogging, it really can be quite addictive. Finding the time to read them isn't too bad, but commenting on them all is just not possible sometimes.
I love your blogging spot. Great colors!
I'm pleased you and Beccy started blogging. At first it felt a bit like stalking Sam to read the entire families' blogs but now you are just part of my day. I enjoy the interaction that goes on in the comments between the three of you.
Looks like a cozy workspace and much neater than mine.
BTW: Macs.
Love the desk!
Dear chrisb. I'm here. I'm exhausted. I visited yesterday and couldn't think of anything to write, funmondayitis. Your corner looks sooo cozy!
enid's pleased to find another mac person! do you love yours?
It's wonderful to find another blogger who isn't also a Merry Maid in their free time. I love clutter!
Nice quiet looking blogging space.
Thanks for stopping by on Photo Hunter!
Hi, Chris, Tried to leave a note yesteday - but the system failed! I enjoyed viewing your lovely (and to me) quite tidy blogging environment. I also enjoyed reading about how nice your husband was being to you (and then somehow he got a new car - it's all just too magical!!) I'm so envious of you having flowers in your yard already. It will be at least another month in Minnesota before the crocus peak out!!
I was out of the house yesterday for over 12 hours so didn't have time to write a post or reply to all your comments.
emma i'll let you into a secret if I had taken the photo a few weeks ago you would have hardly seen the computer shall we say it took a few words even to get it this tidy. It's a shame you can't download photos but I'm glad you enjoy reading and keep coming back.
willowtree bogging could become a fulltime job!!
watch this space for 'stuff on shelf'
jenny thanks for dropping by
barbara its so good to know you are back ( one of the things I did do yesterday was pop over to see you) 'stalker' never it's very flattering that you enjoy reading our (better say) my ramblings don't want to offend the other members of the family by suggesting they ramble!!
mimi this was desk on a good day
shauna I think the desk is quite old but not yet antique
little miss moi it takes a long time to get around all the posts it's not always easy to think up an original comment I find the thought that comes into my head has already been said (and often by my daughter!! great minds etc).
enid I do love my mac (bought because sam and beccy's husband recommended) and at one time we all had them now the other traitors have gone PC (dell) but I think we will get another mac. I have been pondering on which version I really want which is difficult as I am not very knowledgable.
min maybe that's a blog topic who can boast the most clutter!! I might win if you could see my cellar.
vicki its nice and peaceful during the day although I do tend to keep the radio on-evenings now that a different matter once the TV channel hopper returns home!!
Purple worms thanks for dropping by, hubby's new car was a surprise to me as well; I knew the old bus was giving problems but had not realised it was so bad so it was rather sprung on me on Sat. I just hope its not a case of 'marry in haste repent in leisure'
I have been back to you to read some of your previous posts and love the paintings. I will be dropping by in the future.
Regarding the Table the computer sits on, unfortunately my father had it shortened to fit with his other office furniture. As to the clutter, I can usually find anything on a desk that I have put it on so clutter does not bother me. As to my study that is shared as far as filing is concerned and I would not want you to think I was the only culprit.
embee you may not be the only culprit but the 'biggest' or should I say the lions share is yours.
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