Party Time
As you may have gathered I have just retired. Well to be accurate I officially retire from 1st Oct so these past 3 weeks I have technically been holiday. So to mark the occasion I decided to invite some of the people that I had worked with over the years to drop in for lunch yesterday. Unfortunately not everyone was able to come but I was able to catch up with quite a few people, some of whom, I had not seen for a number of years. How come I look old and wrinkly but not those who retired some time ago. May be you get younger once the stress of working leaves you- I can live in hope.
Unlike my daughters I am not a brilliant cook, I had lots of suggestions from Sam's blogging friends, but I largely chickened out in case I messed up things not tried and tested before hand. That doesn't mean your efforts have been in vain as I will be trying things out on hubby (Mike) in the future. He is actually a diabetic so I do have to be careful.

I want to say a big thank you to my 3 friends, Valerie (and her small daughter), Tina and Sue who came and helped with the preparations. I could not have got everything ready in time without them. They chopped fruit and veg, prepared fish, attractively arranged the various platters and helped set the tables. (now why didn't I think to photograph them at work that would have been good).

My friend, Bridget orgainsed the drinks as people arrived, so thank you to Bridget ( and thank you and John for the lovely necklace and bracelet, I shall enjoy wearing them).

Thank you Mike for the wine, and Margaret for the champagne (my favourite tipple now am going to share it!!. The necklace is very unusual I tried to photograph it but could not do it justice.)
A few random snaps:

Nigel, Sue, Margaret

Debbie, Peter, Bridget

Don't Sue and Flo look happy both retired recently. Central photo shows Sue, Flo, Me, Kay and Valerie. Dawn other
A big thank you to all who came to celebrate with me and made this a memorable day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. xx
Labels: Retirement
Hey Mun great post, wish I'd been there but it's fun reading about your party. One question: why is the cream on the gateaux dianne white? It should be chocolate coloured! Did you add 300g melted milk chocolate?
I mean Mum!
Also lovely necklace and bracelet, I'll be able to borrow them next time I'm over
Yes Becs I assure you its got choc coloured filling it just doesn't show the layers in this photo
I guess it will be my turn to make gateau diane next.
I am sure you will get google hits for mentioning that.
the jewellery does indeed look pretty.
good job with the food blog direction in which you appear to be going.
I like it.
did you at least make the salmon sticks?
Did you not put a layer of cream on top?
Oh Becs I told you I needed more instructions, I wondered why I had extra cream forgot it needed a top layer now I feel a failure.
Sam yes the salmon sticks were also very popular I had meant to mention that.
Don't feel a failure I'm sure it tasted yummy. What did you do with the extra cream? You could always make little mini meringues to eat with it.
Hi Sam's mom! I'm so thrilled to see you starting a blog! This post was funny, it made me laugh out loud, so I guess that both cooking and writing well must run in the family.
Hello Sam's Mum! You've got me thinking I should get on my own mother to start a blog. :)
Your retirement party looked lovely; I look forward to reading your future posts!
Hello, Sam's Mum!
Congratulations on the retirement. You are so organized, you already have plans in place for your next stage of life. Brava.
Fantastic that you threw your own party. The food looks terrific, and I think you DID pass on some culinary talents to your daughters.
Come on over to my blog and take a peek at Bean Sprout.
Hi Chris and welcome to blogging. Congrats on your retirement. The food looks fabulous. I can see you'll see be entering all the blogging challenges. I'm sure Sams cooking talents have come from you.
Jen's mom here..non-blogging mom of a blogger. I admire you for this new commitment. Congratulations on this retirement/ transition. What fun. I have met Sam and I am in awe of her talents. The photo she posted a while back of your earlier you is memorable. Now we have words to attach to this vision. Cheers!
Hello Everyone thank you for all the encouagement with my new venture:
Catherine hope you will drop in again.
Maria I would say encourage your mother its good fun.
Cookiecrumb I expect you will see have been over to look at that cute little dog.
Barbara I'm not sure I'm up tp blogging challenges- well not just yet!!
Jen's mom now what about joining me and that might also encourage Maria's mother.
I hope you will all drop by again Chris (Sam's mum)
tell them all you got it from me and Beccy not vica versa!
Aside from a Sunday roast that it.
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