Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Trying to stop the thieves!

Embee has just made this to try and stop the birds from stealing the tortoise's fruit. The minute I go out there with food the birds arrive, sitting on the roof twittering with excitement. Is it not enough that they eat most of the loganberries and then they poop all over my car and yard! Now, don't get me wrong I like birds but I have to make sure the tortoises get enough food to build them up for the big winter sleep. Lets hope it works!

2007: Father's Day

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At 17/6/08 09:53, Blogger Cazzie!!! said...

Me too, so where are these tortoises..can you show me a pic so I can show my kiddies, they will be delighted :)

At 17/6/08 10:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks sturdy and workable. I think you may be able to mass produce. I'll need a 50% cut though for pointing that out! :o)
It does look good.
I hope you are ok, haven't seen you around for a while. :o)
Have a great break too!

At 17/6/08 11:12, Blogger karisma said...

Great idea! I need something like that to keep Bella off my gardens!

At 17/6/08 11:55, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Are you saying that the birds are actually faster than the tortoises? :)

At 17/6/08 13:46, Blogger Unknown said...

Embee is just such a handyman to have around. :) I bet the tortoises will get fuller now.

At 17/6/08 14:03, Blogger Frannie said...

I can't stand birds, so I say good for you!!!

I do hope it works for your "babies" sake, though!

At 17/6/08 14:41, Blogger Pamela said...

I wish I could keep the starlings out of my bird feeders that way...

very inventive.

At 17/6/08 15:05, Blogger Beccy said...

Well done dad, hope it works.

At 17/6/08 17:16, Blogger MarmiteToasty said...

Oj I love tortoises, they are very expensive over here now cos Britain are NOT allowed to import them so they have to all be home bred, so people charge and arm and a leg for them....... before the import ban they was a resonable price, we use to have a tortoise called Socrates LOL.... I blobbed all about him last year not long after I started me blob - RIP Socrates lol

Fanks for your support over on Twaddle, it with others got me through a very sticky patch... and even though not out of the woods yet, at least me mind is clear..


At 17/6/08 17:16, Blogger Zoomie said...

I talked to the tortoises and they say "Thank you!"

At 17/6/08 17:17, Blogger MarmiteToasty said...

Oj?? lol thats suppose to read 'Oh'


At 17/6/08 17:38, Blogger ChrisB said...

cazzie I have sent you an email with list of post that contain pictures of the tortoises. (as I'm writing this my email to you has been returned!!)

daffy I have been a bit busy so have been reading in my bloglines but not doing as much commenting.

AC ha I'm sure you know how crafty the birds are to get what they want, they are not scared of the tortoises and pinch food from under their noses!

marmiteT. I must look back at your post about Socrates.

Zoomie glad they confided in you :)

Lisa m embee has been trying to get all his little jobs done before we go away!

pamela not so easy with a bird feeder. In our garden the magpies have got rid of the starlings!

giant fan I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

At 17/6/08 18:02, Blogger Kaytabug said...

I hope that works too! SO inventive!

At 17/6/08 21:57, Blogger ChrisB said...

kaytabug I was out there this evening and it looked like a piece of apple had been pecked at by a bird~ so we might not have licked the problem!

At 17/6/08 22:04, Blogger Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Dear chrisb. You need to erect a scarecrow!

At 17/6/08 22:08, Blogger ChrisB said...

LMM maybe a project for the grandchildren when they visit in the summer!

At 18/6/08 00:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really hope it works!

Who's looking after the tortoises while you're away?

Have a good time!!

At 18/6/08 05:03, Blogger willowtree said...

Good luck with that!

At 18/6/08 05:40, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to be curious to see if this works. Those birds can be pretty crafty when there is food to be had. It looks great though.

At 18/6/08 21:24, Blogger storyteller said...

What a clever contraption. We used to have tortoises at our 1st home and keeping the birds (and dogs) away from their food was a continual problem. We could have used something like this … and maybe there’s a ‘market’ out there?
Hugs and blessings,

At 21/6/08 03:16, Blogger Jen S. said...

Oh, naughty birds! I hope this saves the torts' food.


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