Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 16 Collection

I was looking through an old ottoman that is full of material that I've never used and at the bottom I found some coin collections, saved for my daughters when they were young children. I also found some historic car tokens that were given with petrol. I think most of these were collected by my mother's second husband Gordon, who at that time drove a tanker lorry. My grandsons are interested in cars so I think I will see if they are interested in having them!!

 Sadly not a good picture and I didn't have time to take more!

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At 16/11/13 20:29, Anonymous KaThYinCoLoRaDo said...

Collections make me crazy(er). But I love them. HansMans is the collector of 'good stuff' around here. Then, the collections collect dust. Need I say more ?

At 18/11/13 00:18, Blogger Pamela said...

Isn't it great the treasure we find in our stuff. ha ha

At 18/11/13 08:20, Blogger Beccy said...

Not sure I need to take on your collections! Dillon has just cleared out his room and now the spare room is full of stuff.


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