Tomorrow my 16 year old grandson is off to Uganda with the scouts. They will be running a summer camp for children for the first two weeks and then the final week will be a holiday. Dillon and another lad will be running a Drama workshop which they have been planning for quite a long time. They have all worked very hard for the past year to raise the required money for the charity who organised the trip. This involved bag packing, cake making, quiz nights, coffee mornings to name just a few of the things that I know about. I can't remember the final sum raised but it will help with building an extension to a school so it's very worthwhile.
I'm sure that the trip will be a wonderful experience for him and all the others who are going. Have a safe trip Dillon I'll look forward to hearing all about it and seeing all the photos when you get back.
Labels: Family, grandchildren, photo
GO DILLON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so sorry I'll miss Dill next week, but it's for a good cause.
sam I'm already worrying about malaria and other diseases. I hope he remembers to take his tablets.
Good looking kids!!
Is Dillon wearing face hardware? I can't quite make it out.
That's fantastic for him! There's one lifelong memory and experience for him, for sure. he'll have a wow of a time, I'm sure of it :)
I sure hope your grandson has a safe trip! What an experience of a lifetime for him...truly something to remember!!
Young people wave wonderful opportunities nowadays. The skills alone involved in preparation will stand to Dillon for life and then you have the actual travel and forging of friendships.... Lucky guy Dillon!
WT you are right. I do not like it one bit so I'm hoping it's a short lived fad. He seems to think it makes his mouth look smaller which is what he wanted.
Mal I so agree with you.
Bermudabluez youngsters have some wonderful opportunities these days.
Grannymar through scouting he has found a lot of things he really enjoys and it's given him a lot of confidence. Baden Powell knew what he was doing!
Mother I have already told you that a fully qualified nurse is travelling with them, she is doling out the anti malaria tablets every evening so they will all take them together. She even sent out a text message yesterday to ensure they'd all taken them. That's her main job for three weeks.
Apart from the last minute panic (where he'd mislaid thing he had on Wednesday) Dillon got collected at 3.15am. His first flight was to Amsterdam where they had a three hour wait before getting a flight to Naiobi. At this time he will be on that flight which is nine hours. Then he flies to Kampala (Uganda) and from there travels by coach to Masala. The journey is about 23 hours so they'll arrive exhausted.
The 23 members of the venture troop (15 ventures and eight leaders) raised €62,000 which is pretty amazing.
I mean Masaka no Masala!!!
Here's the hotel they're staying at: http://www.traveluganda.co.ug/hotelzebra/
This is a better link!
I know you told me about the nurse but I didn't realise she was actually handing out the meds, very sensible arrangements.
I hope they get some sleep on the plane but I expect they will be too excited.
I'll go look at the hotel link.
Dillon thinks he'll sleep on the long flight. He didn't go to bed till midnight so after the three hour wait he'll be very tired.
What a great plan.
Sounds very good.. Best of luck Dillon
email from Beccy
'just heard they've arrived safely in Uganda, they're staying in Kampala tonight and travelling to Masaka tomorrow'
Wow, what an exciting trip for them, hope they have a ball.
Dear chris. Wow, the scouts do amazing things! I never realised.
i'm sure dillon will have the time of his life. What a great opportunity.
LMM one of the scout leaders has set up a blog so I'm able to see what they are doing, which is great.
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